Thursday, December 19, 2019

Why Is Faith Important For Human Doctor Learn From A Hmong...

7. In matters of attitude, what might the average American doctor learn from a Hmong txiv neeb (shaman)? What might the txiv neeb learn from the doctor? According to the Hmong culture a shaman helps to cure the soul. A doctor cures biological problems. As we learn throughout this class there is a difference between an illness and a disease. An illness or a disease may have the absence of the other. In most cases an illness can be present without a disease. In the case of Lia there was a presence of both Illness and disease. If txiv neb and the American doctor would have balanced their practices and learned from each other this would have affected the way the Lees thought about medicine. I believe that faith plays an important role in Lia’s case if the doctors would have understood the way that txiv neeb thought and vice versa the lees would have trusted American doctors and medicine more. Learning from txiv neeb would have also helped the American doctors in other cases when treating Hmong by understanding their culture. It is important for the doctors to understand the Hmong culture and specifically the way that a txiv neeb works because in Merced a third of the population were Hmong and used a tixv neeb as their main source of healing. Were you surprised by the quality of care and affection given to Lia by her foster parents? How did Lia’s foster parents feel about Foua and Nao Kao? Was foster care ultimately to Lia’s benefit or detriment? I was very surprised by the

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